Howdy! This week on Alphabet Snack Region we discussed games. In an Alphabet snack region style the topic allowed for multiple paths of discussion. We discussed the current controversial debate of college athletics. Do the many benefits of a college sport justify the negatives? Overall we feel college sports are beneficial. The question really comes into play when discussing Division One, basketball, and football. Are basketball and football players better off in school or post-graduation having played in college? In that case are colleges better off supporting a Division 1 basketball and football team with the costs associated with it?
We then flawlessly transitioned to video games. This one hit home for Trey and I. Having grown up in households, where videogames were to some extent allowed, and having experienced the terrifyingly addicting League of Legends, Trey and I understood the devastating risks videogames can have on your life. Can we claim that the current video game obsession in our culture is just like the way that kids such as our parents’ generations used to live to read books and comics? I doubt that the withdrawals video game addicts experience says so. The effects of video game addiction are so strong that there are camps in China which are solely devoted to break video game addiction. I guess we have found a new schedule one drug, if marijuana is up there I suppose videogames should be as well. As a perfect way to end the show we played a marvelous piece by Lana Del Rey: “Video Games.”
Treat Yo Self

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