Hey there Elephant in the Room fans! Today’s show is sure to be a kicker! First up, I discuss all the crazy talk surrounding AT&T and their crazy expensive offer to buy out Time Warner Cable. Many believe that this merger is against the law but there’s quite a bit of precedence to let the deal through. Next up, we visit Hungary as I explore some rather inflammatory comments made by Prime Minister Orban in reference to the EU. Third on the show, I talk about the effect of Donald’s run on his businesses. Many within the company concur that the campaign has already hurt him but can he recover? Last on the show, I take a look at the big four networks. It turns out ratings are down big time this year and the election may not be the only thing to blame. All of these stories and rocking tunes are on today’s Elephant in the Room. As always, if you missed the show feel free to download the podcast here.
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