Alphabet Snack Region – Dance Shiny Dance!

Hello Regioners! Big Huna Here! Let’s talk about performers. This past Spring Break, I went on a trip to see some artists during South by Southwest in Austin (great Big Huna is talking about himself again). South by Southwest is a festival for films, music, and I hear...

Alphabet Snack Region -4/5/17- Grab Your Pillows

You there! Have ye been thirsting for a good rest of the mind? Look no further! Shaq Daddy and Big Huna have you covered this week with a show devoted to relaxation and chill vibes. It’s becoming more acceptable in the ASR community to prioritize the music over...

Fictional Attachments E10: That-Surfer-Dude

Hello and welcome to another week of Fictional Attachments on KHDX. This week’s character is just going to be a stock character that is in essentially every teen movie based during the summer or on the west coast. This week’s character is That Surfer Dude...