Hey there, Regioneers. Shaq Daddy is riding solo this week and he’s taking you on a journey. This week’s ASR is all about History! As an amateur history buff, I thought that I would highjack ASR for a week while Big Huna was away. I play a few songs about historical events, people, or things like, “Hudson,” “Cleopatra,” “We Didn’t Start the Fire,” and “Wreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald.” But the main topic of this week’s history-themed show is the Civilian Conservation Corps created by FDR, a popular New Deal program that employed millions of young men and helped lift families out of the clutches of absurd poverty. The program came with its faults, though, so why don’t you take a listen to my (hopefully) soothing radio voice. Discover the race and gender issues that were woven into its fabric and the ideology that spread like a cancer from within the CCC. Grab your snacks, kick back, and as always, Be Kind.
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