Ahoy, Regioneers! Shaq Daddy and Big Huna are talking about the Chinese hoax, CLIMATE CHANGE, on this week’s ASR! No, but we are talking about the environment! While playing some “Welcome to the Jungle,” “In the Air Tonight,” and “What a Wonderful World,” we discuss a few towns around the U.S. that have gone completely green in terms of the energy they use. Pretty awesome stuff, if I do say so myself (*Beyonce, “if I do say so myself, if I do say so myself*). Did you know that Rick Perry’s first name is actually James? Wow! We didn’t either! Those are the cool things you learn listening to the scholars, Shaq Daddy and Big Huna. This show is perfect for the tree-huggers out there and those who are looking for using as little of their brain power as possible, myself included! Take a listen, and as always, Be Kind.
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