Alphabet Snack Region is getting friendly! I hope that reads better than I think it might. This week’s show is about the most ancient of bonds, the glue that binds us after war, heartbreak, and disease: FRIENDSHIP. We may not have the most friends (Shaq Daddy), but we can definitely tell you about our experiences with other human beings we might call friends or acquaintances. This is essentially a glimpse into the lives of Shaq Daddy and Big Huna, a glimpse you have never been granted the privilege of, so be extremely grateful. We do not do this often. Take notes…No, just kidding. Just take a listen to Queen, “All Those Friendly People”, some Willie Nelson, and “The Boys Are Back in Town!” We apologize for the annoying static that starts sometime during the show. Hopefully, that quits! We’ve got some more ASR to get to! Enjoy, and as always, Be Kind.