This week on Ragged Old Flag Radio I interviewed Tommy Covington, founder of Cov’s Kids, every hour of my show (5:30, 6:30, 7:30 pm) to help him with his recent fundraiser!
I will attach Tommy’s and Cov’s Kids information and social media at the bottom with pictures! If you’re curious to see my full interview, I will also attach a link at the bottom for that as well.
COV’S KIDS mentors at risk kids who are in trouble at home, school, with law enforcement, and kids without father figures. Once Cov’s Kids brings on a new kid they must keep good grades, stay out of trouble at home and at school, and community service. THEN in reward for their good behavior, these kids are taken on outings to the great outdoors to hunt and fish in the state of Arkansas. While encouraging good behavior Cov’s Kid mentors go above and beyond to also teach small simple life skills and attributes to help these kids grow as individuals. These skills range from how to tie a tie all the way to dining etiquette. In a very real way these mentors are father figures. Each situation is a special case. Tommy takes pride in his organization, and being a mentor himself, stating that, “…we are mentors for life, if they will allow us to be in their lives for that long.”
In my interview Tommy touches on the symbolism he’s been shown while on this island. He’s explained that how he feels now, is exactly how these kids feel before Cov’s Kids can reach them. He sees life going on around him, barges passing, cars coming and going on the bridge, but he is stuck. That’s how these kids that his organization mentors feel – stuck. They feel like their situation has no escape, and that’s where Tommy and Cov’s Kids step in to help them out of that state of living and thinking.
WHAT’S BEEN GOING ON? For the past two weeks, Tommy has been living on a sandbar in the middle of the Arkansas River to raise money for his organization Cov’s Kids. Tommy has vowed to live on the island for a total of 3 weeks or until he raises $30,000. As of today March 13th, Day 14, the total funding raised is $27,500 leaving $2,500 to go! When driving South on I-430 and look to the right as you hit the river bridge you will see Tommy and his island of flags (pictures below). IF YOU WOULD LIKE TO DONATE: www.covskids.com (LINK ALSO BELOW)
IN HIS TIME ON THE ISLAND.. Tommy has endured mass amounts of sand, high winds (reaching 30mph), wind burn, sun burn, flooding, dense fog, and TORNADO WARNINGS. He lost his original tent to high winds from a storm, and his island continues to erode away by the minute. Tommy’s situation has been rough enough to the point that even the Army Corp of Engineers has recommended that he return home. However, they were unable to force him to leave due to the Arkansas River being public land. Tommy HAS NOT BEEN OFF THE ISLAND once, except during a potential tornado passing over the island when he waited in a boat dock parking lot. He has NOT been pulling a “Bear Grylls” so to say, leaving at night to sleep in a hotel bed just to return in the morning. He has done this 100% legit. Oh – not to mention running his organization’s social media and fundraising FROM THE ISLAND.
THIS IS NOT HIS FIRST STUNT. Two years ago Tommy conducted another “stunt” to raise money for his organization. He built a wooden and plexiglass box on the back of a 16-foot trailer and lived in it for 38 DAYS towards his goal of RAISING $100,000. Admittedly in our interview, Tommy admits a stunt of his will never be repeated due to just how grueling they are. Though knowing Tommy, there will always be more of them.
TOMMY COMMENTS ABOUT HIS TIME: I asked Tommy if he had been tempted any to return to land and stop the stunt, especially after the tornado threat and losing his tent. He and I both agreed nobody would’ve blamed him. Tommy responded saying, “I’m setting an example to these kids that we run this organization for. If I left the island what would I be teaching them? You can’t put a price on integrity”.
KATV ALSO INTERVIEWED TOMMY about his time on the island and helped promote his cause which gave a huge boost towards fundraising to get Tommy home! Huge shout out to them for doing that and boating out to the sandbar to score that interview.
AND TO TOMMY… Thank you man for taking the time to let this college student bug you with questions, text messages, and phone calls recently in order to get this awesome story on my show! You’re an inspiration to your Cov’s Kids and generations to come brother. You rock!
Over Tommy’s time on the island I have created a “Highlight” on my personal INSTAGRAM profile labeled “Cov’s Kids”, which I have added to as Tommy has updated us via his Facebook and Cov’s Kids Facebook. To view this series click my “INSTAGRAM” link below!
Doing this interview only spikes my interests to do more here soon and in the future. I appreciate you guys tuning in and reading our review this week! Stay classy America…
- Cov’s Kids Website (DONATE!!) : www.covskids.com
- Cov’s Kids Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/covskidslr/
- Cov’s Kids Sandbar Promo Video: https://www.facebook.com/covskidslr/videos/265629354354253/?t=1
- FULL INTERVIEW WITH TOMMY: https://www.facebook.com/charles.terry.5268/videos/635550430200236/?t=2
- KATV Interview/Article: https://katv.com/community/good-afternoon-ark/whats-on-good-afternoon-arkansas/man-living-on-flag-island-raises-money-for-mentoring-program?fbclid=IwAR0sfDHsFYdsSX3hKCP5NHdH8721eHFNqgsJ-CHQWUYnbIZ0gDxmb8ZzA9w