This week on Ragged Old Flag I went for a little bit different approach…
Later this week, OneChurch will be hosting a Hoedown for its college ministry! Paul Hudson, our College Pastor knowing my love of country music, asked if I would help him out and take over music responsibilities for it and create a playlist. Needless to say and as you guys could imagine, I was PUMPED to get to do so.
In total it probably took me about 30 minutes just to get a decently made playlist, and another 10 minutes to organize it and polish it up. I will admit I think it’s pretty dang good. It has a mix of the classic country and some more modern. The most fun and challenging part of making this playlist was to ensure that we could actually dance to it! I had to pay really close attention to the swing and rhythm of the music.
Anyways….in anticipation of the OneChurch Hoedown this week, I did a practice run of said playlist!!!
Personally, two step music is always fun to whip out and surprise people with because whether or not you can dance you almost always find everyone at the least tapping their foot. Music, and when I say music I mean country music, just has that effect on people. Whether you hate it or not. IT IS CATCHY.
And because I love you guys and appreciate you tuning in….the playlist IS available through my WEBSITE link found below next to my profile picture and INSTAGRAM link. (ALSO! If I can sneak on here and add some pictures from the Hoedown before this post gets approved I will!)
It’s very conveniently labeled “two step”. Enjoy guys!