This week on Ragged Old Flag we had a fan take over!! For the past week I accepted music requests from friends, family, regular listeners, and even complete strangers. They ran the show!
This was probably my hardest show to do yet. I hardly got to speak any due to how many requests I was trying to get through. I did the minimum of announcing “This is Ragged Old Flag Radio on KHDX FM Conway, AR) every 20 minutes, and besides that I let the music do the talking. I had to! Otherwise we would’ve never gotten through the whole playlist of requests I made.
I will say this though ladies and gentlemen, you guys KILLED it with the awesome requests you had. I heard new songs that I now love, old ones that I got to blow the dust off of and reminisce, and of course the bangers of the present. So job VERY well done to you beautiful people.
AND TO THOSE WHO DIDN’T LISTEN!!!!!!!! …….. ………. ……….you are forgiven and the answer is yes I did record a podcast for you;)
As soon as this bad boy downloads it’ll be here for all of you to play on repeat and soak up over and over and over again!
Stay classy you beauts!!!