This week I talked about the current coronavirus outbreak. Since Thursday, the number of people infected is 34,000+ with almost 700 deaths so far. It has spread quickly because it began in a large, popular city and during Lunar New Years. The economy of China, which is not super stable, is now suffering because of this outbreak with many companies closing stores and people not going to work. Not to make things worse, but there is now a shortage of surgical masks since the announcement of this outbreak. But for now the best way to stay safe is to wash you hands often, avoid touching face, avoid those who are sick, and especially stay home if you feel sick. I played a couple songs in between talking. Next week, I’m planning to talk about the Ebola outbreak of 2014-2016.
Here are some links for more information about the coronavirus: Novel Coronavirus WHO, 2019 Novel Coronavirus CDC What Should the Public Do, 2019 Novel Coronavirus Global Cases CDC
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