KHDX Playwrights Theater Fall 2023

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They’re baaaaaaaaaaack! Students in Professor Lavinia Roberts’s Beginning Playwriting class joined us again this fall with some original plays to share with us. This time around, they co-wrote in pairs and were tasked with choosing a theme, which was Halloween! Listen to the audio above for a variety of performances by Hendrix students and brief interviews with the playwrights. The plays in the order performed are:

Wicked Willy’s Spook Shack by Grace Peterson and Bella Kerby
Look by Griff Squires and Collin McCord
Ghost to Host Radio by Milo Dixon and CJ Cunningham
Horror College by Sable Alysse and Thomas Moslander
Who Needs a Psychiatrist? by Noah Carroll and Jesse Ortega
Spider Jack’s Harmony of Horror by Bri Graggs and Noah Robertson

Thanks to additional performers: Alaina May, Jae Hurd, and Lawson Gill