Highly Suspect w/ Slothrust concert review

When we walked out of George’s Majestic Lounge in Fayetteville, Arkansas, we could not help but have most definitely a loss in hearing but a confidence in the live performances of modern punk and rock bands. After several glasses of water at Waffle House, my two...

Fictional Attachments E9: Cosima

Hello! Welcome to another week of Fictional Attachments on KHDX 93.1. Today’s character is the fan favorite clone from Orphan Black, Cosima! She is a scientist, queer woman, has beautiful dreads, a great sense of style, and a heart of gold. The musical tastes of...

Fictional Attachments E8: Veronica & JD

Welcome to another week of Fictional Attachments on KHDX 93.1, the voice of Hendrix radio. Your host is Sarah Buford. Today’s playlist is going to be loosely based on the protagonists from Heathers, a cult classic from 1988 featuring Wyonna Rider and Christian...

Fictional Attachments E7: Eleven

Welcome to another week of Fictional Attachments, where your favorite character always has a playlist, on KHDX 93.1. Today, I tackled a current fan favorite, Eleven, from the hit Netflix series, Stranger Things. Stranger Things is a new science fiction tv series set...

Milky Chance’s Blossom album review

Right in time for spring break, Milky Chance’s second studio album Blossom dropped on March 17, worldwide. If you were looking for an album to sunbathe to on the beach or to simply escape the constant familial interactions, then this album will definitely sooth your...