Places. 3/15/17 – Sheffield.

Who would’ve thought that I’d be the one writing this blog post? Well, Hannah certainly has had her say on Arctic monkeys throughout the show, so I’ll try and talk a bit more about Sheffield as an actual place now, not just the original home of Alex...

2016 Top 10 (December post)

With the absolute mess of a year 2016 coming to an end, it is hard to remember that anything good came out. Despite some of the truly terrible things that have occurred, it would be unfair to say nothing good has come out of it. Every year around this time, I like to...

Places. 11/15/2016 – London 1960-1985.

Here we are with the first half of London’s musical history (since 1960). When I was writing this episode, I did a quick google search of every band from London. I was instantly blown away by the size of the list. Way too many choices for just one show. It was a...

Places. 11/01/2016 – Austin.

Apologies for the long wait on this post. I was busy…doing nothing. And now I am busy…with finals. Yet here I am, writing the first of four posts in rapid succession. Second semester, I’ll get my stuff together. Lets hope. But that’s not what...