Sugar Dove Early ’70s Sunshine: Comin’ Up Roses

Thank you everyone who tuned into our second ever genre special on Sugar Dove! This time we played some sunshine songs from the early ‘70s featuring many of my favorite songs ever and much better audio. Although this one was a little shorter, it might’ve been one of...

Sugar Dove Late ’60s Special: New Directions

A very special thank you to all of the cool cats who tuned into our very first genre special! You’re part of the in-crowd now! Creating this broadcast was a ton of fun and I plan to bring back 1960s again very soon, so keep an eye out for updates on our...

Sugar Dove Disco Week 10: Prime Time

Happy late Valentine’s day, babe! And a very special thankyouthankyouthankyou to all the new people who tuned in! We’re so happy to have you and hope that you stick around for our weekly genre specials, when we implement them, that is… Until then,...

Sugar Dove Disco Week 9: Upon a Star

Another week, another hour of funky tunes, and another bad fake accent from yours truly… Thank you everyone for another fantastic broadcast! And a special thankyouthankyouthankyou once again to my dad, who you should all wish a happy birthday. This show...

Sugar Dove Disco Week 8: After Dark

Thank you to all the studs who joined in on our second broadcast of the new semester! Unfortunately my mic may have been a little quiet tonight… but we’ll make sure it’s fixed next time! (And please, if possible, skip my dialogue after...