History Happy Hour 10/24/20

While thinking about what episode to create for today, Mr. History Happy Hour himself, Josh Thomeczek, took a long sip of his coffee (A Papau New Guinea brew with just a little sploosh of milk) and thought that this just might make the perfect History Happy Hour...

History Happy Hour 10/17/20

Mr. History Happy Hour himself is on vacation and put together this list of songs from loosely historical musicals for everyone to enjoy. This is a nice and chill happy hour to appreciate what history can inspire in the world of theater.

History Happy Hour 10/10/20

Season 2 Episode 4, titled “Beans and Britain” is about two little stories from history. First, we dive into the story of beans across the world and how beans have always been a part of humanity since the dawn of agriculture. Second, we get into the...

History Happy Hour 10/3/20

This is the long awaited finale to the three part series all about the Spanish Flu. In this episode, we detail the third wave of the disease (and a possible fourth???) before discussing the impacts of this disease on the economy, medicine, technology, and society in...

History Happy Hour 9/26/20

The second episode of History Happy Hour, season two picks up right where the last one left off. The deadly Spanish Influenza spreads across the globe, killing in numbers never seen before or since. Join me as I give a deadly world tour, following this frightening...