A Taste of Music

Big Huna Here. Today I’d like to talk about Shaq Daddy and I’s music choices. Have you ever been sure what to say your favorite band is? I find answering any question regarding your favorite anything to be extremely hard. Typically, I answer with Odesza. I have no clue why this is my answer. Growing up my first taste into music came from Devo. Great start right? My dad’s first introductory song from his childhood, “whip it” became my favorite song. This song was simply my favorite song due to my father’s choices. If I heard the song for the first time today I would undoubtedly be confused about what was wrong with the children of the 70s.

Move later on and my first individually found favorite song was from a game I would play. The song was 19-2000 by the gorillas and the game played the song on a continuous loop. The song’s ability to stay interesting after 15 plays in a row was appealing. From there I was able to begin my first Pandora account which would shape my music tastes for the years to come. Part of the Great thing of Pandora is that it allows you to have no initial knowledge in music but just expand on your limited repertoire.

This is where I get to my point. My taste in music is not normal, just ask one of my friends. Poor Trey has to deal with filtering all my bad ideas for radio songs and sometimes allowing one to slip through. We, as humans tend to listen to what we enjoy. However with my friends in high school I did the opposite for a while. Their love for Odesza was very confusing for me and I simply could not get into their music. Spending enough time with them and their music eventually caused me to change. I heard it enough that I began to really enjoy it. Now in college I have begun to wonder what the big hubbub is about rap. I often feel as if the rap we, we as in Hendrix students and other Millennials, hear at parties I find to be hard to listen to. After a year or so the music seems to be growing on me. We are creatures of habit. The longer we listen to songs the more we tend to pick up on the sound and the more interesting they become. Our interests are shaped on our surroundings. So next time you listen to a band or genre which makes you cringe, I would urge you to take a step back maybe try and warm up to it, or even understand that the music may not be “bad” but just not what your used to.

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