Hello and welcome back to school!

To kickstart the FIRST day of school, we have a special show for you! The Senate Cookout was hosted on the 21st and KHDX provided live music and interviews from the executive members! Today’s blog features the interviews given to exec members. The executive members were all asked the following questions: 

  • Name, position, year, major
  • Goals for the year
  • What are you excited to bring to senate this year? 
  • What are you passionate about bringing to senate? 
  • What event are you excited for this year? 
  • What is one thing you want to say to your constituents?
  • How can people contact you? 
  • Glows and Grows

Connor Rennels, the Student Senate Secretary, started us off. We discussed his email template and his plans on rebuilding a community culture. After, Chiara Bunting, the Student Senate Chief of Staff, gives us insight on building community. Trevion Williams, the Student Senate Treasurer, tells us more about the Senate treasurer process and about checks and balances. The Student Senate Vice President, Tucker Brock, then gives insight on Hendrix culture. Janiya Ashford, the Student Senate President, ends us off by discussing her role as president and her plans for this year. 

Student Senate is held on Tuesdays at 6:30 pm in Campbell Dining Hall. All students are welcome to join. The Senate Executive members email is listed below if you need to contact them. 

Janiya Ashford: ashfordjl@hendrix.edu

Tucker Brock: brocktk@hendrix.edu

Chiara Bunting: buntingca@hendrix.edu

Connor Rennels: rennelscj@hendrix.edu

Trevion Williams: williamstj@hendrix.edu