Alphabet Snack Region : A Taste of Music

A Taste of Music Big Huna Here. Today I’d like to talk about Shaq Daddy and I’s music choices. Have you ever been sure what to say your favorite band is? I find answering any question regarding your favorite anything to be extremely hard. Typically, I answer with...

DeVos and the Rise of Homeschooling

Big Huna Here. This Week on KHDX we discussed a relevant topic to each and every Hendrix student: Education. Betsy Devos was recently affirmed as the nation’s secretary of education. I don’t care where you sit politically, this is a big deal. Her ideas on how the...

Alphabet Snack Region-Trivia Night

Big Huna here. This week we talked about the ever more pressing matter of TRIVIA NIGHT, “WOOP WOOP.” We figured we would have a change of pace from the last show on the 2016 Election. On the show we were fortunate to have two plus guests being, DJ JJJJ or Grant...

Games-Alphabet Snack Region 10/20/2016

Howdy! This week on Alphabet Snack Region we discussed games. In an Alphabet snack region style the topic allowed for multiple paths of discussion. We discussed the current controversial debate of college athletics. Do the many benefits of a college sport justify the...